Welcome to Drawn to Learn

Drawn to Learn is passionate about the art and skill of facilitation, especially when I can do this in a creative, fun way using a variety of approaches from my graphics toolkit. I bring the magic of visual mapping/minuting and graphic facilitation to your business activities, meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences.

As a Graphic Facilitator, I’m the ears and heart of the meeting; helping people to SEE what they are saying! Working quickly and quietly I capture in real-time, the essence of the conversation using drawings and keywords to map the meaning.

My big, bold, beautiful hand-drawn graphics increase engagement, shared understanding and contributions as people see their ideas developed visually. This helps to simplify complexity and increase retention.

At your next meeting, I can help increase engagement, creativity, retention and contributions from your audience through visually mapping their conversations. This is a refreshing way to add a special dimension to your group activities.

What is Graphic Facilitation/Recording?

Firstly, Graphic Facilitation is an art that’s a little confused about what to call itself. Let’s see how many names there are (let me know if you can think of any I have missed!)

  • Visual scribing

  • Visual harvesting/minuting

  • Visual services

  • Doodling

  • Cartooning

  • Story boarding

  • Mind-mapping

We’ll call it Graphic Facilitation… the production of large scale drawings often produced in real time by a scribe to help groups think, contribute, remember, problem solve and vision. This can be done in person or remotely by digitally signing into the meeting.

People who do this fabulous work are generally called Graphic Facilitators, but we don’t mind what you call us, if you give it a go and discover the great impact it can have on the effectiveness of your gatherings!

Why do People Love Graphics?

Most of us (well, two thirds anyway) have a preference for receiving visual information. It helps with our retention. Many people are visual learners and are fed up of ‘Death by PowerPoint’ – endless slides with dense text bullet points that do nothing to bring content to life.

Graphic Recording is the visual capture of stories. And everyone loves stories! People just love to see a story develop visually as they listen and take part in discussions or attend meetings and conferences.

There is so much power in pictures! Why? Well, messages that are complex can be condensed into a simple memorable snapshot that when viewed after the event will trigger more extensive recall of the facts and associated emotions experienced.

So, talk to me when you would like to:

  • Inspire with large scale graphics produced live to capture the essence of your conference or meeting

  • Employ an experienced facilitator to work with your teams to formulate visions, strategy or change initiatives

  • Dump PowerPoint and create a memorable presentation using large-scale graphics

  • Add magic by having a live ‘real time’ illustration drawn capturing your presentation as you give it

  • Map journeys, for example customer, development or change journeys

  • Bring in an external graphic facilitator to facilitate your team event

  • Benefit from bespoke designed large-scale templates that will offer you and your team a creative, systematic approach to collaboratively thinking and capturing business solutions

  • Implement successful change programmes. When you need to create captivating messages about the transformation or change initiatives in your organisation. People move towards change if the future looks better than the past. I help create meaningful graphics that capture what is being moved away from – what it might be like in transition and how the future will lead to something better. This can be done in workshops live with project groups or as a rich picture following an in depth briefing.

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